Andrea Wilson
DirectorAndrea Wilson is a Director of Hone-All Precision, a specialist SME based in Leighton Buzzard offering precision machining services in deep hole boring, deep hole drilling, CNC honing and CNC turning, with a skilled team of forty-two. Andrea has spent over 25 years working to improve the awareness, recognition, and image of the industry within the UK and has been active in influencing the Government’s approach and focus to ensure long-term manufacturing strategic planning and success. This included membership of the EEDA Manufacturing Panel, the Automotive Academy Steering Committee, the NSAM / SEMTA Skills Council for the Eastern region and the MTA Training & Education Committee. She was Chair of the Make UK Eastern Regional Advisory Board for over 10 years and still sits on the Make UK National Membership Board. She has also recently been appointed as a NED for SEMLEP. She is a passionate campaigner for a dedicated Minister for Manufacturing to represent engineering and manufacturing and improve the knowledge of, and support for, SME businesses within Government in the hope of changing the “one size fits all” approach once and for all.